Media Consultancy

Brunswick Hill provides a wide range of consultancy services, The recently completed following projects shows the styles of research, assistance and advice the consultancy can offer to companies large or small.

A major research project for a major UK television company featured ‘Blue Skies’ thinking for the future direction of regional television in a city and county context.

Research papers for a UK University on the future for media, television, film, and radio courses, future collaborations with major broadcasters and the potential for University and city television initiatives.

Above: "Should have been there half an hour ago". During the time BBC North West ran studios in both Manchester & Liverpool

Two projects developed for small independent companies eager to submit concepts to major television and radio companies for commissions.

Script and Concept Development

Brunswick Hill has advised on many concepts and scripts which have been successfully developed by major television companies.

NB/ Brunswick Hill always gives total assurance concerning confidentiality and copyright.

Contact Brunswick Hill Consultancy at email for further information.